The unspoken rules should be careful in restaurant's menu

The menu seemed to the book just named dishes. However, in reality, the food experts have studied carefully to offer solutions, awaken the taste of consumers and make them more generous when spending money.

The reason about menu have pictures
In addition to helping customers easily imagine, foreigners can understand the dish without difficulty, the pictures also promote the business of the restaurant.

They know that a dish as shown in the image will arouse the taste more than the name and composition dish. So restaurant often illustrate expensive dishes, main dishes, diners tend to choose foods that immediately before the calculation time, think about the price.

Inexpensive dishes or at the end
Can you find the hamburgers, salad or affordable cup of coffee lies somewhere  in the menu book, if only 10 seconds to find them?. Not many people succeed, because the restaurant has tactical "hide" them in the most difficult place to find as the last line, the last page ... Before you find affordable dishes, mind you " going through " variety of dishes with other attracted name, and of course also more expensive. This is tactical distractions  diners, wish to withdraw their wallets freely and smoothly.

The large difference in price
In the restaurant menu, you can find some dishes that costs than 3 times the remaining dishes.  However, many owners argued, most people automatically think: "You get what you pay for." or "It must be delicious with that valuable," so, wake up "doses blood" in them when deciding  choose dishes that expensive than 3 times.

Trap "size"
According to some experts on food, dishes divided into different size is also the way that the restaurant encourages you to spend more. Many people often have the mentality to think small is not enough, should be boldly called large dish, the fact that the majority of them will abandon the add amount of their dishes. Moreover, there is nothing to compare two percentage ration to assess to different price is justified or not.

Be careful to framed items
You should be wary of the dishes is framed on the menu . These are foods that restaurants want you to pay attention and excite you order them. They are usually the beautiful name  or special food that only at restaurant. In fact, they are not much  different from other dishes in the menu, can add a few spices, affordable materials,..

It should also be careful to the "heirloom" food

Nobody dares to ensure dishes with traditional secret from generation to generation that suit your taste. It is important that you rarely verify "heirloom" really or not . It is like a tactics for you to feel secure about the food.

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