Nyotaimori "Body" or "Naked" Sushi is something that evolved during the reign of the last emperor of Japan. It has taken many forms over the years. It is definitely not mainstream in Japan and involves removing sushi from a human form for consumption. Body sushiNyotaimori, “female body presentation”, is a service allowing restaurant customers to eat from the skin of a naked woman. Apart from her crotch, which is usually covered with some kind of garnish, the model’s modesty depends on the (temporary) position of the food on her body. Also known as “body sushi”, this phenomenon received a lot of media attention in the West in the 1990s. .Body sushi, is the latest craze to grab the attention of the Hollywood A-list.
Unsurprisingly, body sushi demonstrations have given rise to protests from feminists. There was a row in China this week after a Japanese restaurant served body sushi in the conservative Chinese city of Kunming. "This is a form of disrespect towards women. I don't know how anyone can eat the food," one disgruntled resident told the Beijing Star Daily .In 2005, China, continuing its valiant crusade for human rights, banned restaurants from providing nyotaimori service, saying the practice “insults people’s moral quality”.

Jobs in nyotaimori are not for the ticklish or fidgety. Models are trained to lie still for hours, and they must be able to endure unexpected splashes of cold water and prods with chopsticks. Her body must be completely shaved, and specially washed with fragrance-free soap before the feast. Traditionally, the meal is eaten directly from the skin of the model, but hygiene laws in many countries prevent this – forcing restaurants to wrap their girls in clingfilm to prevent contact between skin and food. According to custom, the model should be a virgin, but this doesn’t seem to be observed any more.
Nyotaimori in Naked Sushi is often served for events such as birthday parties or celibacy farewell party ... a party this Each lasts from one to two hours or more in the air-conditioned rooms open to avoid sushi and sashimi damage, and ensure the dish holding the freshest flavor. During that time, due to resting on the table in a state of almost complete nudity should models great encounter health problems such as colds, bronchitis, respiratory tract infection ...

Although nyotaimori rules include no speaking to the model, models was allowed to talk because it’s asking too much to have them be still for two hours (with a break). Guests can only pick up sushi with chopsticks and can’t make lewd, inappropriate comments or gestures.
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