Masterpiece help people walking on the water in Italy

If coming to Iseo Lake in Italy at the moment, you could be walking on the road commands as shown floating on the water.

Who says that walking on water is impossible? A artwork installated by Christo Vladimirov Javacheff artists (Bulgarian) in Italy helped dream walking on water come true .

The project called "The floating pier" includes approximately 100,000 square meters of gold "tapestry" and 220,000  floating blocks made from polyethylene.This project cost $ 16.7 million to complete. Its total length of up to 3 km. The whole artwork was "exhibited" in Iseo Lake- Italy.
Who go on" The floating pier "will feel like you are walking on that water, or like going on the back of a whale," Christo said in a statement.
The road connecting two small islands and Sulzanol towns in landward. The project is open to people from 18 Jun to 03 Jul (according to a statement on the website of Christo).
Christo and Jeanne Claude's wife, who died in 2009, had the idea of road ​​floating on the water since 1970. But by 2014, Christo began to survey the location to implement this project.

The project "The floating pier" fundraising by selling the artwork of Christo. After the exhibition ends, all these materials will be recycled.

Staff will be present at the transfer station to make sure no one fell into the water.After the exhibition ends, all these materials will be recycled.
 In the early days of the opening, more than 55,000 visitors flocked to try the feeling to walk on water. So the organizers to temporarily restrict visitors on the first day because the number of overload.

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